Columbia Suicide Scale
We've added a new Suicidality program to our existing list of patient programs. This program will send the Columbia Suicide Scale at regular intervals to patients. Patients can be added to multiple programs to receive different surveys on a bi-weekly basis (such as PHQ-9 on week, Columbia the next)
Providers can also send the Columbia Suicide Scale as an add-on survey for the PTSD and Depression programs - which will ask the patient to complete this second survey after the primary survey.
Edit a patient profile to enable the Suicidality program or Suicidality add-on.

Patient Overview
We've added a new report - the Overview Report which will give you a high level view of all patients that have ever signed up for your clinic, their daily message response rate, and whether they've deactivated. This is meant to provide a birds-eye view of what patients are in MoodMonitor and whether they're best using the tool.

Auto Deactivation
We've been testing a feature to auto-deactivate inactive patients from MoodMonitor. On a clinic's bill date we will deactivate patients that have:
* Not responded to a daily mood question in a month
* Not completed a survey in a month
* Not received a treatment in a month
The patient will receive a text message letting them know they will be deactivated if they do not respond the day before deactivation and an email once they have been deactivated - and the provider will receive an email listing all of the patient IDs.
The primary account can toggle this feature on at: