We're really happy to announce two big changes to kick-off August.
The Columbia Suicide Severity Rating Scale

We now support this survey alongside all of our other usual surveys. Unlike some of the other surveys - the available questions are meant to be answered dynamically depending on an earlier questions answers - and MoodMonitor reflects this distinction by disabling questions
, 4
, and 5
if the patient answers negatively on Question 2
The severity scale is also different than some of our other surveys - answer
to Questions 4
, 5
, or the "Last Three Months" part of Question 6
will mark the response as High Risk
.And answering
to questions 3
or the "In your lifetime" part of Question 6
will mark the survey as Moderate Risk
.Staff Account Permissions

We've added the ability to give staff users additional access to MoodMonitor to support some of our larger clinics - staff users can now get access to the following features:
Access past invoices, patient cancellations, and update credit card information-
Survey Settings
Edit a clinics survey settings controlling how often patients get follow up surveys-
Coordinate Care Template
Edit the clinics coordinate care template that's used when sharing patient progress-
Clinic Notifications Settings
Edit the clinic's notification settings - which are shared across all accounts-
Edit Staff Accounts
Edit and add additional staff accounts - although staff members will only be able to give other
users permissions that they already have - e.g. a staff account that does not have billing enabled is not able to create or edit accounts to give them access to billing.We hope this will help clinics scale MoodMonitor across many locations and clinicians - with all of these permissions a fully enabled staff account should be able to act almost like the primary account (only the editing the clinics primary account information is disabled).
Questions, concerns, or other feature request? Don't hesitate to reach out and let us know